
Here are our information-gathering and dissemination practices for several McDonogh School Web sites (http://jacischwartzmann.com/):


We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website by identifying (1) which parts of our site are most heavily used, (2)我们的观众中哪一部分来自麦当劳学校的网络. 您的Web浏览器提供的其他统计信息也可能被存储. Any information you explicitly provide to the site (Web forms, e-mails, will be stored).


The McDonogh staff uses the IP address information to tailor site content to user needs and to generate statistical reports on page views. 就像学校目录一样, users' contact information is provided by implied consent to other members of the McDonogh community, 包括父母, 学生, 教师, 和工作人员. All information held by the school is confidential and is available only to those who are affiliated with the school. 提供电话号码即表示您同意接收麦当劳的短信. 消息和数据速率可能适用. 消息频率变化.


本网站有适当的安全措施,以保护损失, 滥用, 以及在我们控制下的信息的改变.


如果您对本隐私声明有任何疑问, 本网站的实践, 或者你对这个网站的用户体验, 您可以联系:


McDonogh School's website contains links to other independently run websites outside the "jacischwartzmann.com“域. The school is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.


McDonogh School (“McDonogh”) deeply values the trust parents place in us regarding their information and the information of their children. We continually evaluate our data practices in order to ensure your information is responsibly used to provide the best service to you and your children. This page is intended to help you feel empowered and informed about your information, 您孩子的信息, 以及它是如何使用的. 如果您有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至 资讯科技署署长他是麦当劳的数据官.


麦克唐纳收集了各种联系信息,以便与我们的家人沟通, 人口统计信息,以便更好地为我们的社区服务, 学术信息是我们工作的核心, 健康信息,以遵守国家法律,并为我们的学生服务, 以及财务信息,以便履行我们的商业义务. McDonogh partners with vendors of services which also can collect some data on website or service use, and we share only the identifying information necessary for those services to perform as our families expect. McDonogh evaluates each vendor’s Terms of Service to ensure that only the minimum amount of data needed is requested and transmitted, 它以一种安全的方式保存和处理, 如果我们和供应商的关系结束,我们就能拿回来, 当他们不再需要它时,他们会把它从他们的系统中摧毁. 我们希望我们的供应商能像我们一样对待您的信息, 我们清楚地传达了这种期望, 我们要求他们履行我们对安全和隐私的期望. Each of our vendors has statements similar to this about what information they collect and how it is used.

你的信息在麦当劳是分阶段被要求和生成的. 家庭申请入学,这需要一些特定的信息. 被录取的家庭随后入学,这一步还需要其他信息. 当学生上学时, performance and behavioral information is created and families have rights to that information. 学生离开后,这些权利仍然存在. 当学生毕业时,随着时间的推移,会创建和收集更多的信息. 下面,我们将描述在这些阶段收集哪些信息以及如何使用这些信息. 如果您有任何问题,请发送电子邮件至 资讯科技署署长.

This site is being monitored by one or more third-party monitoring software(s) and may capture information about your visit that will help us improve the quality of our service. You may opt out of the data that UnboundDiscover is collecting on your visit through a universal consumer options page located at http://unbounddiscover.com/Unsub/unsub.html.


Families interested in attending McDonogh are asked to provide contact information and basic identifying information for the children for whom they are exploring enrollment. 如果一个家庭选择申请, 麦克唐纳要求提供孩子和至少一名监护人的姓名信息, 监护人的澳门新葡京博彩, 以及孩子的出生日期信息. Additionally, previous academic information for the child applying, 如果适用的话, is required. McDonogh requests (but does not require) that families volunteer additional demographic information, and this information is later analyzed to understand how different groups of people come to McDonogh.


当学生被录取并同意入学时, 麦克唐纳收集法定名称, 出生日期, 种族/民族, 以及孩子的性别信息, 根据内部政策和马里兰州法律. McDonogh collects name, contact, and basic demographic information for at least one guardian. We also collect mandatory health information, depending on the grade level of the child.

This information is the minimum amount we need in order to fulfill our obligations to our families, 我们的认可机构, 以及马里兰州. We transmit the minimum amount of identifying information needed for our vendors to provide the services our families expect, 常用名称信息, 但有时是出生日期和性别信息.

我们要求提供有关该儿童及其父母的各种其他人口统计信息. 对这些信息进行分析是为了了解我们的学生和家庭, it is provided in aggregate form to accreditation institutions and to the State of Maryland, and minimally required data is transmitted to partners and vendors to provide critical services to McDonogh.

Our partnerships and vendor relationships are continually evaluated to ensure the data provided is only that which is required for the service provision, 它是安全存储和处理的, 我们保留对这些数据的完全所有权.


学生在麦当劳学习期间,会产生几种类型的信息. 这包括学业进展信息, 考勤信息, 班级入学信息, 运行状况日志信息, 计算使用信息, 课外活动信息, 以及社会/行为信息. 每一种类型都是为了服务我们的学生和家庭而创建的.


当一个学生毕业时, McDonogh continues to use and update contact information in conjunction with the Philanthropy Department. 更新注册信息, McDonogh collects enrollment information regarding our student’s choice of continuing education, 如果适用的话, 记录已经关闭了. 如果学生在毕业前退学, 更新注册信息, 之后,, 记录已关闭.


McDonogh keeps academic and basic identity information indefinitely for purposes of records provision should a student request it in the future. McDonogh还评估了一段时间后存储的信息的价值, 目前正在评估有关数据删除的最佳实践. 我们打算只在需要的时候保留信息, 一旦它不再被需要, 以安全的方式删除它.


Families grant permission for McDonogh to collect this information when they inquire about admission, 当他们申请入学时, 当他们被录取时. 父母 and guardians can revoke permission for any data not critical to the fulfillment of a contract or data not critical to the provision of services at McDonogh. 要撤销该权限,请发送电子邮件到 资讯科技署署长,他是我们的数据官.


Families have a right to review nearly all the information described above, and to obtain much of it. 这些权利由《澳门新葡京博彩》(“COPPA”)界定。, 马里兰州个人信息保护法(“PIPA”), 在某些情况下, 《澳门新葡京博彩》(“GDPR”). 如果您希望查看或删除麦克唐纳收集的信息,请发送电子邮件至 资讯科技署署长,他是我们的数据官.


This document is continually reviewed to ensure we are providing accurate, helpful information. If you find any information confusing, contradictory, or incorrect, please email the 资讯科技署署长,他是我们的数据官. We are happy to provide clarification, and are grateful to be alerted to erroneous information.